Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Eco... er... balls...

Had to start a new post to get you this lovely image of eco-balls which will revolutionise your washing while giving you a warm but very clean experience (see Gaia post).


Nick said...

Aaah, that clears it up. Photographic evidence :)

Brackenbury Residents Association said...

Last term I gave a newspaper cutting on disposable cutlery, made from potato starch, to reception at Mandeville. I thought it might make a very welcome change to that horrid plastic cutlery while, at the same time, being very ecological.

The potato cutlery is no doubt more expensive than the plastic kind but so are all new inventions. In an emergency you could no doubt boil it up and eat it.

I was told at the time that someone was undertaking an energy and environmental audit on Mandeville.

Haven't heard anything further.